If you’re still using wasteful liquid detergents, then you need to read this story about how I discovered this innovative product called Earthwash. Here’s why:
WARNING: This story will make you change the way you do laundry and there’s a positive catch!

Have you ever wondered how firefighters do their laundry?

Imagine you’re evacuating children from burning buildings or putting forest fires out the entire day, and then you have to wash your stinky, sweaty and smoke stained clothes – and you have to do it efficiently and fast, because you're a firefighter you have no time to waste!

Well, One of my best friends happens to be a firefighter, and I never thought I’d be talking to him about doing laundry, but the subject came up – and before I knew it, it completely changed the way me and my fiance do laundry, he even convinced us to switch to this weird invention almost instantly...

It was just a few days after my friend returned home from a “Class A” forest fire. We wanted to give him a small welcome home celebration, so I went to the supermarket and bought some champagne, some food for a nice barbeque and a few other things, but when I came home I realized I had completely forgotten to buy the liquid laundry detergent that my fiance told me to get.

Needless to say, when my fiance asked me "Where's the laundry detergent?" I had that familiar look on my face. The last thing I wanted to do was go all the way back to the supermarket just to get a jug of laundry detergent.

Well, luckily for me my friend was there and he said "Don't worry guys I have some laundry detergent left in my fire gear bag, it's in my car I will be right back".

Now, this was great for me, because it meant I didn't have to go back to the store, but this also raised a question: "Why would you have laundry detergent in your fire gear bag? Isn't that the worst use of space ever?"

My friend just said "Well, this isn't normal liquid laundry detergent, it doesn't come in big jugs, it's super easy to carry around", and now my fiance hopped into the conversation and asked: "Well then it must be laundry pods?", to which he replied "No, it's not pods although it’s premeasured", "Ahh, so it's some form of laundry powder" I replied, "It's also not a powder, I don't think you guys have ever seen a laundry detergent like this so let me just go grab it".

Surprisingly, I never thought that I would be intrigued by laundry detergent, but this seemed interesting...

It's premeasured laundry detergent, but it's not a liquid, not a powder and not a pod.

I started to think he has some magic firefighter detergent that us normal civilians wouldn’t have access to, I turned out to be wrong.

He came back with his fire gear bag, pulled out a tiny sheet of paper and said "Here, just put this in your machine"

Wait… What?

My first reaction was: You really use this tiny sheet to get rid of all kinds of stains at the fire station? Really?! There's no freaking way.

My friend told me "This isn’t official firefighter detergent, but it's perfect for everyone at the station because it's so lightweight and it saves us tons of space"

"But is it effective?" My fiance asked.

"It's very effective, I would argue it does even more than the detergent you're used to".

It seemed unrealistic to say the least, but we didn’t have any other laundry detergent around so my fiance took just one sheet, put it in the washing machine and turned it on, and we all patiently waited for the results.

When the laundry was done, and me and my fiance saw the clothes, we were completely in shock.

That little sheet got rid of the toughest stains! I’m in the Army reserves, so you can believe me these stains are tough – it completely washed off every single bit of dirt, grime, AND the scent is amazing.

The only person more impressed than me was my fiance, she said:

"I’ve been using liquid detergent for my entire life, I always go to the nearest supermarket, I transport the heavy jugs to the car and back to my house, all that effort just for average cleaning - and to think that something that simple and small could do an even better job is really mind blowing"

My friend also told us the main reason why he wanted to try these sheets. They are small, save space and are easy to carry, but he kept using them at home because they are also plant powered. They have compostable inner packaging and use barely any plastic.

Hmm, so it’s not only effective and more convenient, but better for the environment, interesting.

My fiance went online later and did more research on these sheets and the company that makes them, they are called Earthwash. She ended up ordering more after we ran through the first pack. We completely switched to the sustainable detergent.

She showed me some interesting facts about the company that makes them, and now it's safe to say: We are never switching back to regular laundry detergent! Here's why:

You Are Saving The Planet!

If you're like me, you're probably too busy with everyday struggles to even think about what kind of impact your detergent is having on the environment and on the world in general.

While doing my research I found out that the vast majority of our laundry detergent jugs end up in the ocean or get shipped out to developing countries - which is something I wish I've been told by the detergent brands themselves.

And it turns out, even though some of us try to recycle, less than 9% of plastic actually ends up getting recycled, and especially laundry detergent jugs because they get easily stained and end up being non-recyclable, all that effort for nothing!

However, these eco-friendly sheets come in low plastic packaging! Their inner packaging is compostable, some people actually compost in their own garden - how cool is that?

This might seem like a small thing but in reality, every single American household wastes roughly 290 pounds of plastic per year! So using something like the Earth wash detergent sheets really impacts our plastic waste contribution.

You're Actually Helping Real People By Making The Switch

Needless to say, it's amazing that they are helping the environment but this is something that really made switching to Earthwash easy for me - Earthwash is offering a special internet only promotion - buy one get one Free promotion exclusively online - only while their inventory lasts.

They believe in their mission so strongly that they're willing to continue to sell their product without any profit.

So the bottom line is - I'm not only saving space, money and getting a powerful clean, I'm also helping the environment AND supporting a great mission?

This is exactly why it's a no brainer.

Just like the first time I tried the sheets, I put one in the machine, I turned it on - and let Earthwash do its magic.

I used to feel guilty when I go online and see sea turtles with plastic jugs in their mouths or similar anti-plastic commercials - but now, I'm helping out a great cause, I NEVER thought doing my laundry would give me a feeling like this!

Not to mention, I was really impressed with how fast they shipped and I found that they offer a 30 day satisfaction guarantee*.

So that in short, that is the story of how my friend changed the way we do our laundry forever!

Final Thoughts

It all started with my friend showing me how he does his laundry while he's fighting for our lives, and it ended with me falling in love with the amazing impact that I'm making in this world while also getting really clean laundry.

I never thought I'd be writing an article about laundry detergent, but it's something that all of us use - there are 7.8 Billion people in this world and all of us need clean laundry, so why not make it something that is not only more convenient but that is also helping our fellow humans and the environment?

What are Detergent Sheets?

Earthwash Sheets are liquidless detergent sheets that easily dissolve in hot or cold water to provide you a powerful clean.

Powerful Clean

Thousands of people have already switched to Earthwash. Why? Because it's super concentrated and will remove the toughest stains. Read through the thousands of reviews below from customers testing the cleaning power.

Sustainable Packaging

Earthwash comes in an earth friendly cardboard package instead of a wasteful plastic jug! Cardboard is much more sustainable and environment friendly than plastic. Plastic can take up to 1000 years to decompose.

Save SO Much Space

We all know how messy and bulky old-fashioned detergent is... Earthwash packaging is very lightweight and compact. You can free up a ton of space in your laundry room. What will you do with all that extra room?

Where Can I Get The Earthwash
Liquidless Detergent Sheets?

Earthwash is only selling online right now, but there's a great perk that comes with that - no more carrying heavy detergent jugs!

On top of that, we offer a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you for whatever reason don't like Earthwash, contact us within 30 days of delivery for a refund.*

You can check the availability below.

So How Big Is The Difference Really?

To put it simply - the difference is huge... There is no chance you will ever want to switch back to old fashioned detergent!

Save Space.
Save Money.
Save Our Planet.
Old Fashioned Detergent
Works in all machines?
Compact packaging?
Free of dyes, parabens, phosphates, or other harsh chemicals?
Kind to sensitive skin?
Lightweight and compact?
Bulky. Up to 90% Water.
Saves time (No Measuring)?
Saves Space (Frees up storage)?
Buy One Get One Free?

Try Earthwash Now!

This limited time deal is in high demand and stock keeps selling out.

Everyone loves Earthwash...

Leon K.
“So much less garbage and recycling to handle. Phenomenal cleaning power from such a small sheet. Way better than any other detergent I’ve ever used. Especially Tide..”
Pamela M.
“Love these!!! Recommending to all friends and family!!”
Sandra V.
“Very pleased with the performance of your product. Happy with how clean our wash is. It is so nice to store this product and not have to deal with big laundry jugs of detergent or large containers of pods.”
Faith O.
“I love how this makes life so much easier, it’s not messy like other laundry detergent, I can just toss it in my laundry, not to mention how eco-friendly it is. The fragrance is light but very nice. I have made the switch to this new laundry detergent sheet, I don’t think I ever want to go back. My clothes came out so clean and smelled light and fresh. It was very simple, the results are amazing! This puts my mind at ease knowing my clothes are clean and no weird residue from detergent.”
Patricia S.
“Easy to use, no heavy jugs or powder. I am a senior citizen so it is easy to carry and use. No residue or overpowering scent. I even purchased some for my son to try. Shipping is quick and right to your door!!”
Plant Powered
Sensitive on Skin
Space Saving
Powerful Clean

We Stand By Our Product 100%

If you do not absolutely love Earthwash for any reason, simply email us and we will refund you*.

Save the planet and experience a powerful clean. Make a difference today.

Now that you have been informed with the world's best detergent. Let me tell you how easy it is to use. All you need to do is follow these 3 steps:

Step 1: Order your Earthwash today

Step 2: After receiving the product, place the detergent sheet in the washing machine with the clothing. It will easily dissolve in hot or cold water

Step 3: Enjoy your clean, fresh smelling clothes

Save the planet and feel positive every time you do laundry.

Here's a tip: Know anyone who needs this product? I gifted it to 5 people already and they loved it. Everyone needs laundry detergent, so you can't go wrong.

*Just pay a small processing fee and return shipping.